Tuesday, June 14, 2011

About Me...

My name is Alexis Sumiko Miyake, I'm Japanese-Okinawan and I live in Kahala. I am 4'11'' and play basketball, golf and I swim for the Punahou swim team. My favorite subject is art. I plan on going to either a film or art school after I graduate and then hopefully get a job at Pixar or Universal Studio's DreamWorks then go on to do my own solo work. So far I have learned how to animate both through technology and drawing (the same way they made Snow White). So pretty much my main drive in life is art. Next year I am taking four art classes so I can build up my portfolio for colleges. If that doesn’t work out I'll go into the fine arts or graphic design or just character design. So far in science I have taken Biology and Chemistry. Biology is not my strong suit but I liked Chemistry and got A's and B's. Honestly, the thing I really hope to get out of this course is a passing grade so I can get the credit. I also want to be able to say that I took Physics and I actually learned stuff. Last year I took Algebra 2/Trigonometry and this coming year I will be taking pre-Calculus. 

 The drawing above is a pen version of one of the two drawings I did for my Quality Project. I chose this drawing because I felt that it represented the side nobody really sees when they first meet me which is the artistic and more darker, serious  side of my personality. Another reason why I picked this over the other version was because this one was so much better looking.

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