Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Unit Ten: Ray Types

Today's demonstration of.... light bending...?
There are three different kinds of rays: parallel, focal, and central rays. Parallel rays are parallel to the optic axis and then bend towards the focal point on the image. Focal rays will go through the focal point on the object side and then bend parallel to the optic axis. Central (chief) rays go through the center of the lens and don't bend. Whether these rays converge or not will categorize the type of image that the lens reflects. If the light rays converge then the image is real, if the light rays do not converge then the image is virtual. What side the rays converge also help further categorize the type of image the lens reflects. If the rays converge above the optic axis then the image is upright, if the rays converge below the optic axis then the image is inverted. The distance from the axis will determine whether the image is enlarged or reduced.


  1. Very detailed post. A bit difficult to understand with so much leaning today..

  2. yeah, we were LEARNING a lot today. very complicated.
